NIPFN project held the data landscape and harmonization writing workshop on the 20th to 24th June 2022. The workshop brought together stakeholders from various government sectors and non-governmental organizations such at the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation (MoWSI), Ministry of Agriculture, State department of planning, USAID advancing nutrition as well as the two implementing agencies KNBS and KIPPRA.
The data landscape exercise provided an overview of availability, accessibility and quality of indicators of interest in answering related policy questions on nutrition and food security. Cognizant to the fact that the data landscape mapping is a continuous process, an in-depth initial landscape exercise, involving key data providers, was important.
Stakeholders who participated in the data landscape workshop, also participated in content development of the Mapping and Harmonization of nutrition sensitive indicators across sectors. This was to facilitate food security and nutrition monitoring and evaluation processes.

The workshop met its objectives which were to share the draft data landscape report, address the gaps identified, present the draft data mapping and harmonization policy paper, and present the methodology of indicator harmonization and identification of common set of indicators to be monitored. The policy paper will be launched alongside four others in the month of July.