The Water Sanitation And Hygiene (WASH) and Irrigation nutrition policy discussion papers workshop was held from 6th to 10th June 2022. The specific objectives of the workshop were to: Provide additional secondary data and information for the reports where possible; Analyze data and present findings for the two policy questions; Discuss findings and build consensus on the policy and programme implication of the findings; Compile and finalize the first draft of the two reports.

As a multi-stakeholder project, KIPPRA was the chief organizer and facilitator of policy objectives and analysis methodology. The meeting had 12 stakeholders from the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Water and Irrigation, Planning, as well as from UNICEF, KNBS and KIPPRA. Under KIPPRA’s facilitation, the meeting was able to refine the analysis objectives, redefine the scope of the paper and select an optimal methodology. The NIPFN discussion paper will be launched in the coming months.