NIPFN web launch


KNBS-KIPPRA joint project (NIPFN) web portal demonstrates the current Food Security and Nutrition indicators

Nairobi, 16th June 2022– The National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition (NIPFN) project is today launching a multi-sector web platform that hosts food and nutrition-related data, information, and publications. Multiple sectors contribute to the immediate, underlying, and basic determinants of food security and nutrition. They also play a role in addressing undernutrition. Thus, NIPFN has collected information from various sources to facilitate a multi-sectoral analysis of the food and nutrition situation.

As indicated in the NIPFN dashboard, the nutrition situation in Kenya is dire. Particularly, we note that there is 60% prevalence of zinc deficiency among pregnant women. This information was sourced from the Kenya Nutrition Management System. Furthermore, an analysis of the population with raised blood pressure or are currently on medication as per STEPWISE survey 2015, stands at 24%.

“We need a national nutrition platform for monitoring to track progress.  Despite having nutrition interventions and reports, this information is scattered. Through the NIPFN portal, nutrition information is continuously being consolidated, summarized, and visualized at a central place. Thus, we can determine whether the nutrition information in Kenya is improving or not,” said Mr. Macdonald Obudho, Director General Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).

The web portal also hosts the KIPPRA public policy repository. The Policy Repository provides its stakeholders with a one-stop-shop for National and County government policy documents. Through the repository, the research-to-policy linkage is strengthened by availing to both internal and external customers an open access platform for all the national and relevant county policies organized by sectors for ease of retrieval. The government policy documents date back to 1963, including Policy Papers, Sessional Papers, Development Plans, Presidential Speeches, and County Governments Policy Documents.

“We envisage several benefits of the repository. Firstly, to provide long-term preservation of policy documents and pooling them into a single collection for ease of retrieval. Secondly, the repository will Open Access to government policy documents through a free online portal and thirdly, it will establish a knowledge platform and create public awareness on the public policy making process in Kenya, through a one-stop shop for stakeholders in the public and private sectors to access the policies (and other publications) developed by the Government of Kenya,” said

Dr. Rose Ngugi, Executive Director Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)

The NIPFN platform contributes to:

  • Maximizing analysis and interpretation of existing information and data on nutrition to improve the understanding of the factors that influence it, at national and sub national levels;
  • Identifying gaps in information that need to be filled and problems with the consistency and quality of data;
  • Building plausible arguments about the effectiveness of interventions, programmes, approaches and investments to prevent malnutrition;
  • Monitoring national and sub-national progress in preventing malnutrition;
  • Strengthening the accountability of governments and donors to meet their commitments to prevent malnutrition.

Policy makers, academia, and the public can interact with the web portal for more information on the nutrition indicators, dashboard, policy repository, online nutrition library, current news, and events at a click of this button

The NIPFN platform is part of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement working in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Laos, Kenya, Niger, Uganda, Guatemala, and Ivory Coast. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) and the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) are the two state corporations mandated by the Government of Kenya to manage the platform.

Media Contact, Janet Arum, National Information Platform for Food Security and Nutrition, Tel: +254-725 837 495│ +254-733 800 107,  Email: