NIPFN in Kenya has been implementing the National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) project with Phase I scheduled to close in December 2022. The second phase of the NIPN project implementation was initiated in 2022 and is expected to go on up to December 2025 with UNICEF as the grant manager. The transitional workshop’s main goal was to ensure a smooth transition between the first and second phases of NIPN. The workshop was held from the 14th to the 15th of June 2022.
A global support unit leads the development of the NIPN strategy and common tools which is implemented by the Capacity for Nutrition (C4N) team. The unit coordinates knowledge exchange among NIPN countries, promotes NIPN’s global visibility, ensures alignment with the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement and other nutrition initiatives with the overarching goal of disseminating the NIPN approach, experiences, and lessons learnt.
Significant changes in project features (new contracting modalities), the global project environment, and the agencies implementing the initiative are expected during this transition period. Following several discussions, the partners expressed the need for in-depth discussions at the country level to ensure a smooth transition between phases I and II of the NIPN project.