The Ministry of Health through the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics Services in collaboration with partners such as NIPFN have been implementing the Nutrition Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) Strategy 2016-2020. The goal of the strategy was to improve the health and nutritional status of the Kenyan population by accelerating social and economic development towards the fulfillment of the country’s Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Following the expiry of the implementation period of the strategy, a workshop was organised to document the achievements, best practices, challenges and provide recommendations as well as lessons learnt. The review workshop that was held from 28th February to 4th March 2022 helped in identifying focus areas for priority action in the new strategy.
Cognizant that to address issues of nutrition needs a multi-sectoral approach, the workshop was well attended by key stakeholders such as: Ministry of Agriculture, USAID Advancing Nutrition, NIPFN project, GAIN Kenya, Organization for African Youth, UNICEF, County representatives, Helen Keller among others.

The ACSM strategy informs the communication indicators in the Kenya Nutrition Action Plan (KNAP) 2018-2022 and the key result areas in the County Specific Nutrition Action Plans (CNAPs) whose aim is to accelerate and scale up efforts towards elimination of malnutrition in Kenya.